This feature is core for class Pretzel. It is the most important feature for class Pretzel.
Below, we display the five Pretzel images that most highly activate the feature, along with the Neural Activation Map (heatmap) and Feature Attack for each image. These are the same as the images shown to crowdworkers to annotate this class-feature pair.
We additionally provide the full responses of the five crowdworkers that annotated this pair, as well as links to other related pairs (i.e. same class or same feature).
MTurk Worker Annotations
We now show the responses from five crowdworkers used to annotate this class-feature pair as core or spurious. Workers first denote if the focus of the image is on the main object (core), or a separate or background object (spurious). They also mark their confidence on a scale of 1 to 5, and provide written explanations for their annotation.
Main Focus
Main Object
Focus is on the structure of pretzel
Main Object
Focus is on pretzel
Main Object
Red focus is on pretzel.
Main Object
Focus is on structure of pretzel
Main Object
Focus is on top of pretzel
Votes for core: 5, Votes for spurious: 0. Feature is thus annotated as core for the class.
Related Class-Feature Pairs
Important Features for Pretzel
There are 5 features annotated as core and 0 features annotated as spurious for Pretzel.
Core features include 26, 79, 431, 1154, 1345.
Classes where Feature 1154 is among Most Important (i.e. top-5)